The Swiss Business Council LLC(G) (SwissBCQ) was founded on April 2nd 2015 in the presence of H.E. the Swiss Ambassador Mr. Martin Aeschbacher, Swiss Embassy,business and company representatives in Doha, Qatar.
The aim of the SwissBCQ is to support commercial and personal relationships between its members and to promote economic, social and cultural relations between the state of Qatar and Switzerland.
Support commercial and personal relations between its members and promote economic, social and cultural relations:
- Providing a platform to network.
- Developing and reinforcing contacts between organizations and associations sharing a mutual interest in Qatar.
- Organizing business and social meetings, presentations, seminars, participating in fairs, exhibitions and other related events.
- Holding regular meetings to receive guest speakers to debate and discuss selected topics SwissTalks©.
- Find business opportunities and get to know each other.
The SwissBCQ is a non-profit organization and will not engage in any political activity in the State of Qatar.
HE German and Swiss Ambassador and EC Members of the German & Swiss Business Councils in Qatar
When business needs to speak with one voice the SwissBCQ is that voice
- Provide the opportunity to promote a Member-Company based in Qatar or Switzerland.
- Assist Members with any issues relating to establishing or operating business in Qatar through sharing experiences, knowledge and network.
- Work with individuals and organizations in Qatar on matters of mutual interests.
- Provide access to privileged rates.
- Offer meetings, seminars, business and social events.
- Provide speakers to discuss relevant themes for members living and working in Qatar.
- Support cultural and social interests among citizens and companies.